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This is the blog where I keep my list of books read and what I think about them. Occasionally, I mention other reading related items. Get the atom/RSS feed for BiblioTabla. You can also read my main blog here.

Pages read since 1 July 2005 = 289.5

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Location: Deep in the Heart of Texas, United States

I'm a passionate lay member of the Anglican Communion in the Province known as The Episcopal Church. I'm active in my parish and I'm a DOK. (Don't know what DOK is? See this post.) I live in Texas, where I've had family since at least the 1850s, but I'm from Oregon.

02 July 2005

Earth Has No Sorrow - finished

I finished Earth Has No Sorrow in less than 24 hours yesterday. I would recommend the book, but first I want to point out that the main character is an Episcopal priest. The publisher comments say "Episcopalian Priest" which drives me crazy, because the proper adjectives in this case are Episcopal or Anglican, though you could say she is an Episcopalian who happens to be a priest. I'll now stop venting about one of my bigger pet peeves.

Anyhoo, the pace of the plot starts out slightly slower than I'd like, but it ramps up near the end and serves up some interesting twists. As for the main character, the Rev. Lily Conner, there are a few faults in her character that she needs to deal with and I hope that will be shown in future books in the series, of which Earth Has No Sorrow is the second. You could say she is not exactly a role model for proper behavior by female clergy. Her relationship with her boyfriend Tom (who is ready to live together but doesn't seem interested in marriage) is interestingly handled, but in my opinion, if Lily Connor+ was a real person she would be long over due for the sacramental rite of Confession. She doesn't need to be perfect, (none of us humans are) but she could try and behave better.

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